What We Believe

Statement of Belief

and Educational Philosophy

We believe in one almighty and sovereign God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit- who is the center of all things. We joyfully confess Jesus Christ as Lord of Shoreline Christian School. This statement of belief and educational philosophy describes how God’s story shapes every part of the life of our community.


In the beginning, God created this world, and God remains present, giving and sustaining life. Because all creation reveals God and exists for God’s glory, everything is meaningful and worthy of wonder and joy. We are appointed by God as caretakers of His creation.

  • Students come to know God as they discover the good order and purposeful intricacy God has designed throughout creation.Walking with them to develop the gifts God has given.
  • Teachers and students enjoy creation together, delighting in God’s qualities that are revealed in the diversity of all He has made.

All people are wonderfully made in the image of God, each one unique and worthy of love and respect. We find our identity not as self-oriented individuals, but in loving God and our neighbors as we reflect God’s image and recognize His image in others.

  • We give careful attention to the development of varied interests and aptitudes, cultivating dignity and responsibility in every student as a person who reflects God’s goodness.
  • We celebrate the diverse reflections of God’s image found in the many ethnicities and cultural backgrounds in our community.
  • SCS serves children of diverse abilities, empowering each one to develop and apply their gifts.
  • We meet students’ developmental needs with play-based learning for younger students and hands-on projects at all grade levels, immersing students in stories and experiences of God’s world.

Humankind has been created to give glory to God, who is worthy of our praise. All of life is an opportunity to worship.

  • We worship through words, actions, talents, and thoughts throughout the school day, in our
    learning tasks, play, and intentional times of praising God.
  • Our teachers worship through teaching, and our students through learning, so that students are prepared to worship through their future vocations and life experiences.


Although God created us to live in an unbroken relationship, sin has alienated us from God, our neighbors, and the world. Sin damages all of creation, distorts our view of the true purpose of life, and misdirects human culture. We recognize that we often focus on ourselves rather than living to glorify God.

  • We attempt to approach all things with humility and grace, promoting an atmosphere where we can admit when we fall short and express our desire to grow.
  • Our teachers work to lead their classrooms by building a gracious personal relationship with each student, meeting students where each one is in their personal journey of faith, helping students recognize the times when their thoughts, actions, and motivations are not what they were supposed to be, and supporting students where they struggle or need God’s restoration.
  • Our teachers support students as they encounter the brokenness of the world, providing age-appropriate guidance through the difficult topics that arise in the course of learning and growing.
  • We facilitate our students’ abilities to ask thoughtful questions, think critically and communicate effectively, equipping them to engage the world around them with discernment, respect, and love.


God promised and sent His Son, the Savior of all, who accomplished salvation by entering into humanity, dying on the cross, and rising from the grave through the power of the Holy Spirit. Through this act of love, Jesus has made us right with God, and we receive Him by faith. God has initiated this relationship with us through Jesus so that we can know Him as our Father, receive the free gift of forgiveness by grace alone, and base our lives on trust in God’s promises. Living in this everlasting covenant relationship is a privilege and joy.

  • We guide each student to respond to God’s invitation to belong as one of His children, and model faith not by following a list of requirements, but by discovering one’s place in God’s story.

Jesus gave His Spirit who is always moving to transform hearts and renew creation, causing us to grow in loving God’s laws and walking in God’s ways. God reveals Himself in a special way through the Bible, His inspired and authoritative Word. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can discern what is true, right, and good by aligning our thinking with the principles of scripture, the standard for all relationships, thoughts, and activities.

  • We see the Bible as a lens to explore all of God’s creation.
  • To help us follow Jesus, we engage together in daily practices that form our hearts, such as prayer and Bible reading.
  • Our teachers consider it a privilege to lead students in developing the thoughts, desires, and habits of living in grateful response to God.

All people are responsible and accountable to God for how we act towards God, ourselves, our fellow humans, and creation. Jesus is the example of selfless love, and we become more like Him as we serve one another. God’s relationship with humankind is the pattern and model for all of life, and so students learn and grow best in the context of gracious relationships.

  • Our staff and teachers work hard to establish a personal connection with each student so that every child is known and supported in their unique development.
  • Teachers guide students to build their classrooms into communities of grace and purpose, making space for the belonging of others.
  • Students mature in kindness, empathy and compassion by living and learning together.

God gives parents the privilege and responsibility to nurture their children,
providing their primary environment and spiritual foundation. We believe parents
are strengthened when their church and a Christian school community join them in this great task.

  • Our teachers and staff partner with parents, enabling students to connect their school day with home life and look to their parents as their foremost guide.
  • Parents make meaningful contributions to the SCS community through volunteer service and active participation in their child’s education.
  • Most SCS families are active members of a local church; our staff and student body come from many different Christian faith communities.
  • By the grace of the Holy Spirit we learn and grow together with love and mutual respect.
  • Our Christian school community is centered in Christ our Lord who calls us to love each other.


When Jesus returns, all will be made right, the world will be fully renewed, and peace will reign forever. Looking ahead to this coming restoration gives us hope and reveals the ultimate purpose and meaning of life.

  • Knowing this fulfillment is coming, we consider it a privilege to foster the development of each student as a person of infinite worth.
  • Since the Lord is making all things new, we teach with hope so that our students grow to believe in something bigger than themselves.
  • Trusting that God will accomplish His good plans and purposes allows us to be a community of peace.

Statement approved by Shoreline Christian School’s Board of Directors. August 2022.